Consensus, My Nemesis.
I’m the type to say exactly what I shouldn’t.
If there’s a taboo to break, I’ll get to work.
In unpopular opinions I’ll plant my flag,
to defend until I’m bored.
The room will stop and stare.
(Which is perhaps the point.)
He’s gone quite mad, they’ll think, but they won’t stop there.
They’ll ask for more, and my fun begins.
A consensus is delicious.
All nod and agree and there will be me thinking,
what’s the opposite stance?
I’ll say that, just for fun.
(Dammit, not again.)
I’m a big hit at parties.
The opinions of others are great to mine.
We all have one, so they say,
and no-one ever keeps it to themselves.
But we all need friends, and so they’ll work
to curate their stance, just in case
they blurt it out.
(A gin or two can do that)
Perhaps we aren’t so different.